Thursday, December 10, 2009

Granada Hills Vandalism!

Even though Granada Hills seems to be worry free, every city has its problems. Property damage occurs quite often here and not many people know they have the power to remove and prevent it. Usually people see vandalism around town and ignore the wall that has beeAdd Imagen spray painted on and people do not realize they can do their part to stop graffiti in the community.

Everyone wants the places that they call home to stay looking nice. Here are some tips you can use to help keep Granada Hills beautiful!

Graffiti Watch Program

The Granada H

ills South Neighborhood Council and other local neighborhood councils have started a Graffiti Watch Program to remove graffiti in their communities. Dialing 311 and reporting the vandalism will ensure its removal in about a week.

West Valley Alliance

The West Valley Alliance has also begun a graffiti removal program. They are paid by the GHNNC Call their number (818)885-8885 and have graffiti removed in 48 hours.

Don't have time while you're driving/ walking by?

You can report vandalism online at . Don't assume someone's already reported it! Report it and make you're community clean from vandalism.

Join or Create a Neighborhood Watch

Local police stations encourage communities to start a neighborhood watch so that property damage can be kept to a minimum. The Devonshire Police Department in Granada Hills has one, so sign up today and keep people safe in the community!

Parents !!!

These are just some things that you could do to help keep our city looking beautiful. You could also take extra precautions to helping our city out and keeping your children safe. One thing you could do is enroll them in after school programs, or by just sitting down with them and making sure they know the consequences of their actions.


  1. What should civilians do if they encounter a person who is vandalizing? (David)

  2. Would we be able to put certain material on the wall that can be less expensive then repainting the walls? (Olga)

  3. How long does it take to do one of these drawings on a wall? (Casey)

  4. What number can i call to get local graffiti removed? (Nelson)

  5. Are the pictures used on your blog, actually from the Granada Hills area? (Erica)

  6. Thank you for providing examples and statistics about graffit. Your information is well-organized and detailed.

    -Cecilia Pineda

  7. Provided great sources. (Cheek,Sara)

  8. I think that you're topic is really goof because valdalism is becoming a major problem in our neighborhoods and the valley.

  9. Good explanation. but why is graffiti bad for granada hills? (steffi siebert)

  10. This blog was very informative and gave me enough information so that I can go out and try to prevent vandalism in my area along with other areas.
