The city of Granada Hills lies within the San Fernando Valley and the SR 118, Interstate 405, and the Interstate 5 freeways can access the city. The major streets include Balboa Boulevard, Woodley, Hayvenhurst, and Haskell Avenues, as well as Rinaldi Street, San Fernando Mission Boulevard, Chatsworth Street, and Devonshire Street. Granada Hills contains the famous Christmas Tree Lane with 101 Deodar Cedar Trees on San Fernando Mission and San Jose Street. This city accommodates many friendly people and tranquil quaint neighborhoods.

There are many schools in Granada Hills. Elementary Schools such as El Oro Way Elementary School, Haskell Elementary, Van Gogh Street Elementary School, Tulsa Street Elementary School, Danube Elementary School, Knollwood Elementary School and Granada Elementary School. Middle Schools like: Robert Frost Middle School, George K. Porter Middle School, and Patrick Henry Middle School and High School like: Granada Hills Charter High School, Northridge Academy High and John F. Kennedy High School. There is even a 6-12 school called North Valley Charter Academy and a Catholic school named Bishop Alemany HIgh school.
Granada hills is a very quiet place for your family to live, and has many activities for you and your children. There is always something to do in Granada. There are many parks within the city such as O'Melveny Park, the second largest park in Los Angeles. O’Melveny Park has many hiking trails and fire roads to explore and a grassy promontory with a gorgeous view of the northeastern San Fernando MIssion. Mission Point is popular for its mountain biking and hiking trails and at the highest point of the park there is a view of Granada Hills that is breathtakingly beautiful!
For further information about the city you may contact the Granada Hills South Neighborhood council at : www.ghsnc.org
The races information is so interesting. (Cheek,Sara)